another singer songwriter dat i adore : matt nathanson (born on march 28, 1973). his voice is juz amazing. actually dis song is quite controversial coz lots of ppl interprets it differently, some says dat it suits 4 a wedding song n the others say no, some says the guy in the song is a jerk coz he's afraid of commitment or hesitates a bit n some ppl also said dat dis song reflects on our true feeling when we r bout 2 walk the aisle n i kinda agree 2 dat interpretation. its normal 2 feel a lil bit afraid when it comes 2 a life-time commitment, feeling afraid doesnt mean ur luv 2 ur future life-partner is not strong enough, wat u really worry about is wat comes after dis, there's a lot of uncertainty, whether dis goin 2 work out or not, whether dis feeling goin 2 last 4ever or fades out.. is he/she the right one 4 me? hw if i/he/she fall in luv again wit another n bla bla bla... but hey, life is all about taking risks, u'll nvr knw unless u gv it a try ;B
my fav part of the lyrics...
And you hold me in your arms
And all that I can see
Is my future in your hands
And all that I can feel
Is how long ever after is
It's all that I can do
To be with you, just to be with you...
And all that I can see
Is my future in your hands
And all that I can feel
Is how long ever after is
It's all that I can do
To be with you, just to be with you...
enjoy the song guyz ;B
lots of luv,
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