i m back hehe ;B... ok.. the first song dat i wud like 2 blog bout is 'Seandainya - Vierra'.. myb some of u hvnt heard dis song b4.. i really luv dis song, the lyrics, the tunes, the singer...all of it.. 4 me its a perfect song...
the songlyric is actually kind of direct n straight 4ward.. by listening 2 the song itself u cn imagine hw it may relate wit my life or myb wit ur life too hehe...
its a very sad song actually, usually sad songs r ballads but dis song is not really a slow ballad, its a fast-paced pop song, if u dnt undrstand malay or indon u may hv mistaken it as an ordinary luv song or a happy song due 2 its catchy tunes hoohhoho n myb dats wat makes dis song quite unique 2 me ;B
dis my sounds a bit cliche but my previous luv life is somewat very complicated [well anyway whose life is not complicated ryte?]. there r some wonderful ppl dat i met but sadly i hv 2 let them go in the end bcoz somehow i knw they wil b even better if i juz back off n set them free or myb dis is juz one of my lame excuses 4 being a bad girl huhuhuhu but anyway i wan 2 take dis opportunity 2 say sorry 4 all the damages dat i might hv caused 2 ur lives.. i dedicate dis song 2 all the ppl who may hv been experiencing the same tragic luv story like in dis song, i knw exactly hw u feel, may dis song bring about nostalgic memories 2 u guyz ;B
lots of luv,
[p/s: i'm goin 2 paste some of the lyrics here, if u wan the complete lyric or the mp3 u can juz google 4 it ok ;B
kelak kau akan menjalani hidup mu sendiri
melupai kenangan yang telah kita lalui
yang tersisa hanya aku sendiri di sini
kau akan terbang jauh menembus awan
memulai kisah baru tanpa diriku.. ]
[ link 2 dis song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKHKLtkKkAA ]
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