i bumped into dis song when i was a teenager, at dat time well cd was oredi invented but we (my family) were stil using cassettes, during dat time internet is like an alien 2 us (we dnt even now wat the heck is 'internet' haha) so no internet no free downloads therefore when we like a certain song we used 2 record it using the tapes n radio everytime they play it on air, its kinda funny coz sometimes we can only manage 2 record these songs halfway bcoz we were out of tapes hohoho.. almost all the songs dat hv been recorded r the radio edit version coz the djs owez interrupt when they play the songs but it doesnt matter anyway coz as long as we cn get the songs 4 free then its ok haha [attn dis is a bad habit, support the music industry, buy the originals k ;B]
talkin bout dis song, my sis darlene only managed 2 record it halfway, even so i stil luv it anyway, i keep listening 2 it over n over again n nvr get bored but the prob is i ddnt knw the title of dis song (n of coz i ddnt knw who's the singer as well) so its kinda hard 4 me 2 search 4 it in the intrnet. luckily last yr i saw the music video in mtv so i did manage 2 find it in the intrnet finally.. ;B
2 b frank, i dnt understand the lyric at all (2 many metaphors, 2 deep 4 me, i'm kinda a 'blunt' person when it comes 2 english literacy haha) therefore its kinda hard 4 me 2 connect my soul 2 the song but anyway i luv her soft voice n the melody of dis song, the music arrangement is fantastic too, everything is in the ryte place. i dunno y but everytime i hear dis song it gives me a creepy feeling, like i'm in another world, in a fantasy land juz like the lord of the ring's world geezzz... really suits 2 put dis as a soundtrack 4 any fantasy film
anyway, i hope u guyz enjoy the song 2..! ;B
lots of luv,
But I wander through my playing cards
And would not let it be...] <--- the only part of the lyric dat i understood hohoho
[You said there is no reason
And the truth is plain to seeBut I wander through my playing cards
And would not let it be...] <--- the only part of the lyric dat i understood hohoho
[ link 2 dis song : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyYAegLgqdI ]
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