very inspiring song, uplifting lyrics, superb n amazing voice of kelly clarkson. she is truly an american idol. admire her so much. she produced lots of hits [the trouble with love is, already gone, long shot, my life would suck without you, moment like this, because of you, since u've been gone, breakaway n so much more] i luv all of them especially dis song ;B
everytime i'm feelin down n upset bout something i wil listen 2 dis song n in some way it really helps me a lot goin thru all the pain i feel deep down inside, its like a letter frm God or frm ur family or ur teacher or even frm ur bestfren 2 u, it gives us some sort of a pain/stress relief by tellin us dat we r not all alone in dis world.. ^.^
my fav part of the lyrics..
Maybe no one told you there is strength in your tears
And so you fight to keep from pouring out
But what if you unlock the gate that keeps your secret soul
Do you think that there's enough that you would drown?
If no one will listen If you decide to speak
If no one's left standing after the bombs explode
If no one wants to look at you For what you really are
I will be here still...
i dedicate dis song 2 all the lost wanderers like me out there, may it lift up ur spirit, make u even stronger n put a smile on ur face especially at times when no 1 seems 2 understand wat u've been thru n when no one seems 2 gv a damn on every single thing dat u r tryin hard 2 get over with ^.^
lots of luv,
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