from indon we go 2 korean ballads.. shin seung hoon is called the king of ballads in korea n he is one of my fav singers of all time, his soothing voice is so amazing, he produced lots of great ballads before n one of my fav is 'Sarang Hae Doh Heh Eo Jil Soo It Da Myon' or in english translation 'If Only One Could Still Love And Breakup' [i hope i got this translation ryte]
looking at the title certainly u knw dat dis is a very sad song too huhuhuhu... i will copy n paste the english translation of the lyric here so dat u cn understand the song fully but anyway u hv 2 search 4 the hangul lyric urself if u wan 2 sing along hehe ;B
i've gone through so many things...
so i think i'd know by now...
but the separation always is early without fail
those eyes that look at me,
those lips that talked of love,
now is talking about separation, i cant believe it...
i probably wont be able to erase you from my memory for a long time
instead of the good memories, just my sorry heart remains
i can love anyone but that love cant be you
even if i use up all the days of tears up, its not enough to erase you
if only one could still love and breakup
then even if we breakup, i could still love you
to me who is not by your side, you are still remaining in my heart
sometimes i shed tears
someday, my name will be strange and unfamiliar to you
because its a past love, you will laugh and talk...
[4 me, the best of part of the lyric is 'i can love anyone but that love can't be you'. i cudnt agree more with dis phrase. everytime we experience a heartbreak we owez felt dat we wil nvr b in luv again, we lost faith in luv, we juz gv up, no more trust in men/women n bla bla bla...but the truth is we wil eventually keep on fallin in luv again n again no matter hw many heartbreaks we r goin 2 face...bcoz time wil heals all the wounds n we wil finally find ourselves in luv again but the thing is dat luv wont b the same as b4, the feeling wil be difren each time we fall in luv.. n i think dat is wat the phrase is all about.]
its a really beautiful song, very personal 2 me, the lyric is not really cheesy like the other ballads, it is more mature n realistic n dat is y i luv it so much...hope u guyz oso enjoy dis song as much as i did.. ;B
lots of luv,
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